User Study Case 5: 2D Dot plot

Note: a mock dataset is used for anonymization.

Desktop version

Size: 600 px × 325 px

Smartphone version

The visualization designs are not responsively scaled to preserve the absolute sizes.

User's outcome

Size: 380px × 450px;
User satisfaction rating: 4 (satisfied)
Suggestion taken: #3
Edits made
  • Transpose to fit the changed aspect ratio.
  • Resize with the user-specifed size.
    This includes resizing and proportionately repositioning text elements.
  • Reposition text annotations and tick positions.
  • Adjust the view padding (offsets around the chart).

Edits made by the recommender.
Manual edits made by the user.

Design suggestions

On smaller screens, scroll horizontally

Suggestion #1

Size: 380px × 350px
Transformations made
  • Resize with the user-specifed size.

Suggestion #2

Size: 380px × 580px
Transformations made
  • Exteranlize annotations with numbering to adjust density.
  • Resize with the user-specifed size.

Suggestion #3

Size: 380px × 450px
Transformations made
  • Transpose to fit the changed aspect ratio.
  • Resize with the user-specifed size.

Suggestion #4

Size: 380px × 350px
Transformations made
  • Compress dotplot to adjust graphical density.
  • Exteranlize annotations with numbering to adjust density.
  • Resize with the user-specifed size.

Suggestion #5

Size: 380px × 660px
Transformations made
  • Exteranlize annotations with numbering to adjust density.
  • Transpose to fit the changed aspect ratio.
  • Resize with the user-specifed size.

Social media version

The visualization designs are not responsively scaled to preserve the absolute sizes.

User's outcome

Size: 380px × 350px;
User satisfaction rating: 5 (very satisfied)
Suggestion taken: #1
Edits made
  • Resize with the user-specifed size.
    This includes resizing and proportionately repositioning text elements.
  • Remove annotations.
  • Adjust the view padding (offsets around the chart).

Edits made by the recommender.
Manual edits made by the user.

Design suggestions

On smaller screens, scroll horizontally

This version was originally created as a "Phone-Square" version and then repurposed to a "Social" version, so the design suggestions were same as those above for the phone version (with slightly different chart sizes).