Quick edit rules

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Condition 1: When adding a new tooltip to a Phone artboard.

Condition 2: When externalizing an annotation to the outside of the chart.

Condition 2a: if not numbered.

Condition 2b: if not left-aligned.

Condition 3: When repositioning an internal annotation that is associated with a data mark.

Condition 3a: If the repositioned distance between the annotation and the corresponding data mark is increased and if the annotation and data mark are not connected to the data mark by a tick line.

Condition 3b: If the repositioned distance between the annotation and the corresponding data mark is decreased and if the annotation and data mark are connected to the data mark by a tick line.

Condition 4: When removing a title from a Desktop/Tablet artboard (in case that the user is trying to change the title to an internal annotation).

Condition 5: When changing the chart size.

Condition 5a: If it is a static map visualization.