
A config object specifies global controls over a stream, sequence, and overlay, using the follwing properties.

Config properties

Property type Description
speechRate Number (Default: 1.75) Overall default speech rate (how fast a speech sound is). 1 is the normal speed, yet 1.752 is quite common in a screen reader setting.
skipScaleSpeech Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the scale descriptions.
playScaleAt 'beforeAll'|'beforeThis'|'afterAll'|'afterThis' (Default: beforeThis) Where to play the scale descriptions. 'beforeAll' (before all the sub-streams), 'beforeThis' (before the specified stream), 'afterAll' (after all the sub-streams), 'afterThis' (after the specified stream).
skipDescription Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the description.
skipTitle Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the title.
skipStartSpeech Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip the very first intro speech, “To stop playing the sonificatoin, press the X key.”
skipStartPlaySpeech Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the start of the audio speech, “Play sonification.”
skipFinishSpeech Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the end of sonification speech, “Finished.”
skipSquenceIntro Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the introduction of a sequence, “This sonification sequence consists of {the number of streams} parts.”
skipSequenceTitle Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the title of each sequence element.
skipSequenceDescription Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the title of each sequence element.
skipOverlayIntro Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the introduction of an overlay, “{determiner: this/the first/the second…} stream has {the number of overlays} overlaid sounds.”
skipOverlayTitle Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the title of each overlay element.
skipOverlayDescription Boolean (Default: false) Wheter to skip playing the title of each overlay element.
overlayScaleConsistency Boolean|Object (Default: true) Whether to use common scales for overlay compositions (if channels is the same type and encodes the same datset). It is also possible to set by each encoding channel.
forceOverlayScaleConsistency Boolean|Object (Default: false) Force using common scales for overlay compositions even if they encode different datasets. It is also possible to set by each encoding channel.
sequenceScaleConsistency Boolean|Object (Default: true) Whether to use common scales for sequence compositions (if channels is the same type and encodes the same datset). It is also possible to set by each encoding channel.
forceSequenceScaleConsistency Boolean|Object (Default: false) Force using common scales for sequence compositions even if they encode different datasets. It is also possible to set by each encoding channel.
timeUnit Object The unit for time (see below).

For nested specifications (e.g., a sequence of overlay and single streams), the closest config object has the priority.

For the behavior of overlayScaleConsistency and sequenceScaleConsistency, refer to the encoding documentation.

timeUnit property

It is possible to set the time unit to seconds (default) or beat counts using the timeUnit property in config.

This applies to time, time2, duration, tapCount, and tapSpeed channels. For instance, when timeUnit.unit is 'beat', a tapSpeed channel’s unit is tappings per beat.

Property type Description
unit 'second'|'beat' (Default: 'second') The unit for time. 'second': exact second amount. 'beat': beat counts.
tempo Number (Default: 100) Beat per minute. Only works when the unit is 'beat'.
rounding 'always'|'start'|'never' (Default: 'always') Whether to round the time values (start/end times) to specified beat counts 'always': both start and end, 'start': only for the start time, 'never': no rounding. Only works when the unit is 'beat'.
roundingBy Number (Default: 1) The beath counts for rounding (precision).

More notes on tempo and rounding

The tempo unit is bpm (beat per minute). A beat count is multipled by 60 / tempo (the resulting unit is seconds). Suppose when the timeUnit.unit is 'note', tempo is 100 bpm, and baseBeat is 1. Then, a time value of 3 (beats) is converted to 3 * 60 / 100 = 1.8 seconds.

© Hyeok Kim