
The encoding property of a steam defines how to map data variables to auditory variables. While Erie uses many Vega-Lite conventions, each encoding channel may have different properties and usage patterns. This is because data sonification is defined on a sound space. For example, a time channel plays two roles: an encoding channel and a sonification canvas at the same time.

This documentation describes overall structure and common properties of encoding channels.

Supported encoding channels

Channel Description
time (Required) The time when a tone is played.
time2 The time when a tone is finished, with a data field sharing the same scale with that of the time channel.
duration The length of a tone being played, with a data field not sharing the same scale with that of the time channel.
tapSpeed The number of tapping sounds evenly distributed over the specified duration of time.
tapCount The number of tapping sounds of the same specified length.
pitch The pitch frequency of a tone. For a synth instrument, this changes the carrier’s frequency.
detune (Only for noise tones) The amount of detuning a tone.
loudness The volume or loudness of a tone. For a synth instrument, this changes the carrier’s frequency. It is controled by gain.
pan The stereo panning (left and right spatial positioing) of a tone.
postReverb The length of the reverb sound played after a tone.
speechBefore The speech text played before playing a tone.
speechAfter The speech text played after playing a tone.
repeat Repeating streams of the same structure (i.e., encoding and tone design) over one or more nominal/ordinal variables.
modulation Modultaiotn index for a synth tone (the higher the index, the more warping the sound for FM; the larger the sound for AM).
harmonicity Harmony between AM carrier and modulator (non-linear channel).

For more details about the modulation, please refer to frequency modulation and amplitude modulation (or harmonicity).

Common encoding channel properties

Property Type Description
field String or Array[String] (Mostly required) A field to encode in a channel. Only the repeat channel can use an array expression.
type String (Required, but auto-detected) The data type of a field. Allowed values: nominal, ordinal, quantitative, and temporal.
aggregate String (Optional) The data aggregation method for the channel. For count-based aggregate methods, field is ignored. See aggregate documentation for details.
bin Boolean or Object (Optional) For an autoamted binning, set as true. For more detailed bin settings, see below.
condition Object Conditional value assignment.
value any (Optional) A static sound for a channel.
scale Object (Optional, but highly suggested) The detail of scaling. See below for details.
ramp true|false|'abrupt'|'linear'|'exponential' (Optional, for continuous tones) Whether/how to ramp audio properties. true is 'linear' and false is 'abrupt'.
speech Boolean (Optional, for repeat channel only, default: true) Whether to announce the name of value for the repeat channel.
tick object|string (Optional, default: null; only for time channel) An audio axis. If it is String, then it should be a registered tick’s name.
format String (Optional) The format of numerical values for a scale description or read out. See this D3 documentations (number format, time format) for the expression.
formatType 'number'|'datetime' (Optional, default: 'datetime') The type of formatting.

Inline aggregate

Possible aggregate values

  • count: the count of elements
  • valid: the number of valid items in a variable
  • distinct: the number of distinct items in a variable
  • mean/average: the mean of a variable
  • mode: the mode of a variable
  • median: the median of a variable
  • quantile: the p quantile value of a variable
  • stdev: the standard deviation of a variable
  • stdevp: the population standard deviation of a variable
  • variance: the variance of a variable
  • variancep: the population variance of a variable
  • sum: the sum of a variable
  • product: the product (multiplication) of a variable
  • max: the maximum value of a variable
  • min: the min value of a variable

Note: double-field aggregates (corr, covariance, and covariancep) are not available for inline aggregate.

See the transform documentation for further details.


The simplest way to use in-channel binning is setting the bin property as true. To provide more details, one can use a bin Object with details.

Property Type Description
nice Boolean (Optional) Whether to use ‘nicely’ separated bins (default: true).
maxbins integer (Optional) The maximum number of bins (default: 10).
step Number (Optional) The exact size acrass all bins.
exact Array[Number] (Optional) The eaxct bin sizes for each bin. For example, if it is [0, 10, 15, 20], then the resulting bins are [0, 10), [10, 15), and [15, 20).


The scale propoerty describes further details about the mapping between the specified data variable and the targeted auditory channel. A scale object can have the following properties. Each encoding channel may have different scale properties, so refer to relevant documentations for details.

Property Type Description
domain Array[Any] (Optional) An array of domain intervals. domain must have the same length with range. The data type should be in accordance with the field’s type.
range Array[Any] (Optional) An array of range intervals. range must have the same length with doamin. The data type should be in accordance with the targeted channel’s type (e.g., Number for pitch, String for timbre).
polarity 'positive'|'negative' (Optional) The mapping direction. If it is 'positive', then a higher data value maps to a higher auditory value (e.g., more loud, higher pitch, right pan). If it is 'negative', then a higher data value maps to a lower auditory value (e.g., less loud, lower pitch, left pan).
maxDistinct Boolean (Optional, default: true) When range is not specified and maxDistinct is true, then the range becomes the maximum-possible range of that channel (e.g., from the lowest pitch to the highest pitch, from the pan of -1—leftmost to pan of 1–rightmost).
times Number (Optional) A direct scale factor. When provided, for a value v, the auditory value is v * times. If the max(value) * times or min(value) * times goes beyond the possible auditory value for each channel, then the specified times is adjusted.
zero Boolean (Optional, default: false) Whether to include the zero value in the scale for a quantitative encoding. The default value is false, so as to maximalize the discriminability of auditory values because some audio values have limited possible range.
description 'nonskip'|'skip',null, ordescriptionMarkup (Optional, default: 'nonskip') Specifying the description of a scale. If it is 'skip' or null, then description is not played. If provided as a string that is not 'skip' or 'nonskip', then the provided string or markked-up expression is played instead. See below for the description markup.
title String (Optional, default is the field’s name) If provided, it replaces the field name in the default description.
length Number (unit: second) (Optional, only for the time channel) The entire length of a sonfication stream with an absolute timing (a shortcut to range).
band Number (unit: second) (Optional) For the time channel, the length of each tone. For the tapSpeed channel, the length of time duration. For the tapCount channel, the length of each tapping sound.
timing 'relative'|'absolute'|'simultaneous' (Optional) The timing (when it starts) of each tone (default: 'absolute').

API usage


  "encoding" : {
    "[channel]": {
      "field": "FieldName",
      "type": "DataType",
      "aggregate": "AggregateMethod", // only for a `quantitative` channel
      "bin": {
        "nice": true // or false,
        "maxbins": 10,
        "step": 5, // Number
        "exact": false // or true
      }, // or true or false
      "scale": {
        "domain": [ ... ],
        "range": [ ... ],
        "polarity": "positive" // or "negative",
        "maxDistinct": true // or false,
        "times": ..., // Number,
        "zero": false // or true,
        "description": "nonskip" // or "skip",
        // only for `time` channel
        "length": ..., // Seconds,
        "timing": "absolute", // or "relative"
        // only for `time`, `tapSpeed`, and `tapCount` channels
        "band": ..., // Seconds,
      "value": ...,
      "condition": [
        {"test": [ value1, value2, ... ], "value": ... }, // as array
        {"test": {"not": [ value1, value2, ... ]}, "value": ... }, // "not"
        {"test": "d.field > 0", "value": ... } // conditional
      "speech": true // or false,
      "format": '.2', // (rounding at the second decimal point), no default value
      "formatType": "number" // default value


let stream = new Erie.Stream();

// method 1 (more reusable)
let channel = new Erie.{ChannelName}();
channel.field("Origin", "nominal");
// or let channel = new Erie.Channel("Origin", "nominal");
let maxbins = 10, nice = true, step;
channel.bin(maxbins, step, nice);
// channel.bin(true);
// channel.bin(false);
// let exact = [0, 10, 15, 20];
// channel.bin(exact);
channel.scale("timing", "relative"); // key & value
channel.scale("domain", [0, 10]);
channel.scale("timing", "relative");

// static
channel.condition.add([ value1, value2, ... ], ...);
channel.condition.add({"not": [ value1, value2, ... ]}, ...);
channel.condition.add("d.field > 0", ...);

// format
channel.format('.2', 'number');

stream.encoding.{channelName}.set(channel); // provided for reusability;

// method 2 (more direct)
stream.encoding.{channelName}.field("Origin", "nominal");
stream.encoding.{channelName}.scale("timing", "relative");

// method 1 + 2
stream.encoding.{channelName} = new Erie.Channel("Origin", "nominal");
stream.encoding.{channelName}.scale("timing", "relative");

Scale description markup

For the description property of a scale, you can provide a marked-up expression to be read out before playing the sonification or be separately played.

How to mark up a description text

There are three four types of elements in a description text.

  1. Plain text → Just give that text
  2. A discrete audio legend → <sound value="X" duration="D">
  • X: a “data” value or reserved keywoard to be mapped using the scale.
  • D: the duration of this sound (default: 0.5 seconds or 1 beat). If config.timeUnit is beat then the unit is beat counts, and when it is second, then the unit is seconds.
  1. A continuous audio legend → <sound v0="X1" v1="X2" duration="D">
  • vn: Xn (n = 0, 1, 2, …): breakpoints, the “data” values or reserved keywoards to be mapped using the scale! Provide as many point as you need. They will be timed relatively.
  • D: the duration of this sound (default: 0.5 seconds or 1 beat multipled by the number of breakpoints). If config.timeUnit is beat then the unit is beat counts, and when it is second, then the unit is seconds.
  1. A datum list → <list item="A" first="F" last="L" join="S" and="N">
  • A: an array/list of items or a keyword to be listed. If not provided, all the domain values will be sounded. They should be comma separated. For example, <list item="apple,pear, juice" ... > (O) but <list item="[apple,pear, 'juice']" ... > (may work, but may cause error). Spaces before and after each item is trimmed.
  • F: the first F items to read out
  • L: the last F items to read out

Note: <list item="apple,pear,juice,melon,grape" first="2" last="2" join=", "> will result in ‘apple, pear, melon, grape’. See the examples for how to use.

  • S: a string between each consecutive pair of items. This considers a space (for iternationalization). The default is ,
  • N: a string between the last two consecutive items. This considers a space (for iternationalization). There is no default value provided.

Note: For the time channel, while the rest can be “compiled,” it won’t really play the audio.

Reserved keywords

To use in a plan text, use them with < and > (e.g., <domain.min>)

  • domain.min: the minimum domain value
  • domain.max: the maximum domain value
  • domain.length: the number of domain values specified
  • domain[n]: the n-th domain value
  • domain: the entire domain
  • channel: the channel name
  • field: the channel’s field
  • aggregate: the channel’s aggregate method
  • title: the channel’s display name (if not provided, it uses field).

Case 1: Consider a pitch channel that maps [0, 50] (data, field: 'weight') to [300, 500] (Hz). The description text is

The <channel> channel represents <title>. The minimum value <domain.min> is <sound value="domain.min"> and <domain.max> is <sound value="domain.max">. This is compiled to The pitch channel represents weight. The minimum value 0 is (sound with pitch 300) and 50 is (sound with pitch 500).

Case 2: Consider a pan channel that maps [100, 300] (data, field: 'height') to [-1, 1]. The description text is

The <channel> channel is for <title>. The minimum value of <domain.min> and the maximum value of <domain.max> are mapped to <sound v0="domain.min" v1="domain.max" duration="0.3">.

This is compiled to The pan channel is for height. The minimum value 100 and the maximum value of 300 are mapped to (pan-sweep from -1 to 1 for 0.6 seconds).

Case 3: Consider a time channel that maps [apple,pear,kiwi,melon,grape,mango,orange] (data, field: 'type') to relative timing. The description text is

The <field> has <domain.unique> itmes. They are played from <list first="2" join=" and "> to <list last="2" join=" and ">.

This is compiled to The type has 7 items. They are played from apple and pear to mango and orange.

How to play a description
  1. Play it before a sonification

Quick answer: Nothing to be done.

  1. Play it separately

In config, first set skipScaleSpeech as true.


  "config": {
    "skipScaleSpeech": true


let spec = new Erie.Stream();
spec.config('skipScaleSpeec', true);

After you compile the sonification spec, run the playDescription method.

let spec = new Erie.Stream();
let audio;
  .then((audio_graph) => {
    let audio = audio_graph;
    audio.playScaleDescription('time'); // play only for the time channel
    audio.stopScaleDescription(); // to stop whatever being played

If scale.description is set to 'skip' or null, then it is also not played with the playScaleDescription method.

Scale consistency for multi-stream sonifications

It is possible (and default) to use a consistent scales unless otherwise specified.

For example, suppose a sequence consisting of one single stream and one three-stream overlay, so there are four streams defined. Let’s name them ‘Stream-A’, ‘Overlay-1’, ‘Overlay-2’, and ‘Overlay-3’, respectively. ‘Overlay-1’, ‘Overlay-2’, and ‘Overlay-3’ comprise ‘Stream-B’ The specification will look like: {"sequence": [ {... Stream-A ...}, { "overlay": [Overlay-1, Overaly-2, Overlay-3]}]}.

Then, assume these streams use a pitch channel.

Case 1: Global

‘Stream-A’ defines a pitch channel, while the others do not. Then, ‘Overlay-1’, ‘Overlay-2’, and ‘Overlay-3’ use the same pitch scale as defined in ‘Stream-A’ as long as they rely on the same dataset and field, and are of the same encoding type (e.g., nominal, quantitative). If the overlaid streams use a different dataset or of a different encoding type, then the scale will be different.

Case 2: Nested

‘Stream-A’ and ‘Overlay-1’ define a pitch channel, while the others do not. Then, ‘Overlay-2’, and ‘Overlay-3’ use the same pitch scale as defined in ‘Overlay-1’ as long as they rely on the same dataset and field, and are of the same encoding type (e.g., nominal, quantitative). If ‘Overlay-2’, and ‘Overlay-3’ use a different dataset, field, or encoding type, then the scale will be different.

Case 3: I just need individually defined scales

If it is necessary to use individually defined scales, then set overlayScaleConsistency (for overlay) or sequenceScaleConsistency (for sequence) to false, in the closest config object. To make inconsistent scales between ‘Stream-A’ and ‘Stream-B’, then set sequenceScaleConsistency as false in the top-level sequence. To make inconsistent scales among ‘Overlay-1’, ‘Overlay-2’, and ‘Overlay-3’, then set overlayScaleConsistency as false in the overlay object.

When two scale definitions conflicts, a property defined earliest is applied.

This can also done by channels, for example { "sequenceScaleConsistency": { "pitch" : false } }.

© Hyeok Kim