For a synth tone, the modulator’s pitch can be adjusted using modulation index (FM/AM) or harmonicity (AM) channels.
The higher the modulation index is, the more warping the sound is.
On the other hand, be careful using the harmonicity channel because it is not linear.
An integer harmonicity value that provides a more harmonious sound than non-integer values.
If you are familiar with harmony theory, multiples of 1, 2, 1.5, and 1.33 work better in this order
while multiples of 1.25, 1.2 are not good.
Both values must be greater than 0.
Modulation (index) for FM synth
The modulation channel for an FM synth tone encodes the modulation index defined as the ratio of modulator’s amplitude to modulator’s frequency.
Usage pattern
Modulation (index) for AM synth
The modulation channel for an AM tone encodes the modulation index defined as modulator’s amplitude / carrier’s amplitude.
Usage pattern
The harmonicity channel encodes the harmoniy between the (pitch) frequencies of the carrier and moudlator.
Harmonicity of 1 equivalents to one octave scale.
This only available for an AM synth.